Netball Skills: Agility, Defending, Passing, and Coaching Drills

Netball is a sport that requires a combination of physical and mental skills. Players need to be agile, quick, and able to change direction at a moment’s notice. They also need to be able to defend effectively, pass the ball accurately, and have a strong understanding of team dynamics. In this blog post, we will explore some of the best netball drills for improving agility, defending, passing, and coaching.

Agility Drills

Agility is an important aspect of netball, as players need to be able to move quickly and change direction in order to outmaneuver their opponents. Here are some netball agility drills that can help improve your footwork and coordination:

1. Ladder Drills

Ladder drills are a great way to improve footwork and agility. Set up a ladder on the ground and step through it, alternating between your left and right foot. You can also hop, skip, or jump through the ladder to make it more challenging.

2. Cone Drills

Set up cones in a zigzag pattern and practice running through them while changing direction. You can also set up cones in a straight line and practice jumping over them or sidestepping around them.

3. Dot Drills

Dot drills involve jumping and landing on small dots on the ground in a specific pattern. This drill helps improve coordination and balance.

Defending Drills

Defending is a crucial skill in netball, as it allows players to prevent the opposition from scoring. Here are some netball defending drills that can help improve your defensive skills:

1. One-on-One Drills

One-on-one drills involve two players facing each other, with one player acting as the attacker and the other player acting as the defender. The attacker tries to get past the defender and score a goal, while the defender tries to prevent this from happening. This drill helps improve footwork, timing, and positioning.

2. Zone Defense Drills

Zone defense drills involve practicing defending an area of the court rather than just one player. This drill helps improve communication and teamwork among defenders.

3. Footwork Drills

Footwork drills involve practicing different defensive movements, such as shuffling, pivoting, and lunging. This drill helps improve agility and reaction time.

Cut the Cake Netball Drill

The Cut the Cake netball drill is a popular drill used to improve passing and receiving skills. Here’s how to do it:

  1. Divide your players into two teams and have them stand in two lines facing each other, about 2-3 meters apart.
  2. Give a ball to the first player in one of the lines.
  3. The player with the ball passes it to the first player in the other line, who catches it and passes it back.
  4. The first player then runs to the end of the opposite line and receives a pass from the second player in that line.
  5. The drill continues until all players have had a turn.

This drill helps improve passing accuracy, speed, and communication among players.

Passing Skills

Passing is a fundamental skill in netball, as it allows players to move the ball up the court and create scoring opportunities. Here are some netball passing drills that can help improve your passing skills:

1. Wall Passing Drills

Wall passing drills involve standing about 2 meters away from a wall and passing the ball back and forth. This drill helps improve passing accuracy and control.

2. Triangle Passing Drills

Triangle passing drills involve three players standing in a triangle formation and passing the ball to each other in a specific pattern. This drill helps improve passing accuracy and timing.

3. Moving Passing Drills

Moving passing drills involve practicing passing while on the move. This can be done by jogging or running around the court while passing the ball to a teammate. This drill helps improve passing accuracy, timing, and footwork.

Coaching Drills

Coaching is an important aspect of netball, as coaches play a crucial role in helping players improve their skills and develop as a team. Here are some netball coaching drills that can help coaches improve their coaching skills:

1. Video Analysis

Video analysis involves recording games or training sessions and analyzing them with players to identify areas for improvement. This drill helps coaches develop a better understanding of players’ strengths and weaknesses and helps players see how they can improve.

2. Communication Drills

Communication drills involve practicing communication among players and between players and coaches. This can include practicing calling for the ball, giving instructions, and giving feedback. This drill helps improve communication and teamwork among players.

3. Goal Setting

Goal setting involves setting individual and team goals for players and working towards achieving them. This drill helps players stay motivated and focused and helps coaches track progress and adjust training accordingly.

Defending Skills

Defending is not just about preventing the opposition from scoring, but also about disrupting their play and forcing errors. Here are some netball defending drills that can help improve your defending skills:

1. Shadowing Drills

Shadowing drills involve practicing following an opponent closely without making contact. This drill helps improve footwork, positioning, and timing.

2. Interception Drills

Interception drills involve practicing intercepting the ball by getting in the way of passes or jumping to intercept high balls. This drill helps improve anticipation, timing, and reaction time.

3. Circle Defense Drills

Circle defense drills involve practicing defending the circle area around the goalpost. This drill helps improve communication and teamwork among defenders and helps players develop a better understanding of the importance of positioning and timing.

In conclusion, netball is a sport that requires a combination of physical and mental skills. By practicing these netball drills, players and coaches can improve their agility, defending, passing, and coaching skills, leading to improved performance on the court.

Cut the Cake Netball Drill

One of the most popular netball drills is the Cut the Cake drill. This drill helps improve agility and footwork, as well as passing accuracy and timing. Here are the steps to perform the Cut the Cake drill:

  1. Divide the team into two groups, with one group standing in a line on one side of the court and the other group standing in a line on the opposite side of the court.
  2. The first player in each line has a ball.
  3. The first player from one line runs diagonally across the court to the opposite side and passes the ball to the first player in the other line.
  4. The first player in the other line then runs diagonally across the court to the opposite side and passes the ball to the first player in the first line.
  5. The drill continues in this way, with players passing the ball back and forth and running diagonally across the court.
  6. To make the drill more challenging, coaches can increase the speed of the drill or add obstacles or defenders to the court.


Netball is a dynamic and challenging sport that requires players to have a combination of physical and mental skills. By practicing netball drills such as agility drills, defending drills, passing drills, coaching drills, and Cut the Cake drill, players can improve their skills and performance on the court. Additionally, coaches can use these drills to improve their coaching skills and help their players achieve their goals. So, go out there and practice these drills to become a better netball player or coach!

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