Netball Drills for 10 Year Olds

Netball is a great team sport for kids of all ages, but it can be especially fun for 10-year-olds. At this age, kids are developing their coordination, speed, and agility, and netball drills can help them build these skills while having fun and playing with friends. In this post, we’ll cover some of the best netball drills for 10-year-olds that can help them improve their game and have fun at the same time.

1. Dribbling and Passing Drills

Dribbling and passing are two of the most important skills in netball, and these drills can help 10-year-olds improve their ability to move the ball around the court.

Drill 1: Zig-Zag Dribbling

Set up a course with cones or markers in a zig-zag pattern. Have the players dribble the ball through the course as quickly as possible, making sharp turns and changes of direction. This drill will help players improve their ball control and agility.

Drill 2: Two-Person Passing

Pair up players and have them stand facing each other about 10 feet apart. One player starts with the ball and passes it to their partner, who catches the ball and then passes it back. The players should focus on accuracy and speed. After a few minutes, have the players switch roles so they can practice passing with both hands.

Drill 3: Triangle Passing

Set up three cones in a triangle formation and have three players stand at each cone. One player starts with the ball and passes it to the player on their right, who then passes it to the player on their right, and so on. The ball should move around the triangle quickly and smoothly. This drill will help players improve their passing accuracy and decision-making skills.

2. Shooting Drills

Shooting is the ultimate goal in netball, and these drills can help 10-year-olds improve their shooting accuracy and technique.

Drill 1: Free Throws

Set up a shooting circle with a netball ring at each end. Have players take turns shooting from the free-throw line. Encourage them to focus on their technique, including their grip, stance, and release. This drill will help players improve their shooting accuracy and build confidence in their ability to score.

Drill 2: Shooting Races

Set up two shooting circles with a netball ring at each end. Divide players into two teams and have them line up behind each shooting circle. The first player in each line takes a shot and then runs to the back of the line. The next player takes a shot and so on. The team that completes the most shots in a set amount of time wins. This drill will help players improve their shooting speed and accuracy under pressure.

Drill 3: Pivot Shooting

Set up a shooting circle with a netball ring at each end. Have players practice pivoting and shooting from different angles around the circle. Encourage them to focus on their footwork and body position as they shoot. This drill will help players improve their shooting technique and ability to shoot from different positions on the court.

3. Defensive Drills

Defense is just as important as offense in netball, and these drills can help 10-year-olds improve their defensive skills.

Drill 1: Shadowing

Pair up players and have them stand facing each other about 10 feet apart. One player starts with the ball and tries to move past their partner, while the other player tries to shadow and block them. Encourage players to focus on their footwork and body position as they defend. This drill will help players improve their defensive technique and agility.

Drill 2: Intercepting

Set up a small playing area and divide players into two teams. One team starts with the ball and tries to pass it to their teammates, while the other team tries to intercept the ball. Encourage players to focus on their timing and positioning as they try to intercept the ball. This drill will help players improve their intercepting skills and ability to read the game.

Drill 3: Zone Defense

Set up a playing area and divide players into two teams. One team starts with the ball and tries to move it around the court, while the other team plays a zone defense. Encourage players to communicate and work together as they defend their zone. This drill will help players improve their defensive teamwork and ability to defend an area of the court.

4. Agility Drills

Agility is key to success in netball, and these drills can help 10-year-olds improve their speed, coordination, and balance.

Drill 1: Ladder Runs

Set up a speed ladder on the ground and have players run through it as quickly as possible, focusing on their footwork and coordination. This drill will help players improve their speed and agility.

Drill 2: Cone Weaves

Set up a course with cones or markers in a straight line, about a foot apart. Have players weave in and out of the cones as quickly as possible, focusing on their balance and coordination. This drill will help players improve their agility and footwork.

Drill 3: Reaction Time

Have players stand in a line facing a coach or teammate who is holding a ball. The coach or teammate drops the ball, and the first player in line reacts by catching it before it bounces twice. Encourage players to focus on their reaction time and hand-eye coordination. This drill will help players improve their reaction time and ability to anticipate the movement of the ball.

5. Cool-Down and Stretching

After a practice or game, it’s important for players to cool down and stretch to prevent injuries and promote muscle recovery. Here are a few cool-down and stretching exercises that are perfect for 10-year-olds:

Exercise 1: Jogging

Have players jog around the court for 5-10 minutes to gradually lower their heart rate and cool down their muscles.

Exercise 2: Toe Touches

Have players stand with their feet shoulder-width apart and slowly bend forward to touch their toes. Encourage them to hold the stretch for 10-15 seconds.

Exercise 3: Quad Stretch

Have players stand on one foot and use their other hand to pull their heel towards their buttocks. Encourage them to hold the stretch for 10-15 seconds on each side.

Exercise 4: Shoulder Stretch

Have players stand with their arms extended straight in front of them, then slowly move their arms to the side and back, stretching their shoulders. Encourage them to hold the stretch for 10-15 seconds.

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