Fun Netball Warm-Up Games

Netball is a popular team sport that requires players to have quick reflexes, agility, and endurance. A good warm-up routine is essential to get players ready for the game and prevent injuries. But let’s face it, warming up can be boring and repetitive. To make it more fun, here are some warm-up games that your team will love!

1. Relay Races

Relay races are a great way to get your team warmed up and ready to go. Divide your team into two or more groups, and have them stand in a line. Each player takes turns running to a designated spot and back, tagging the next person in line to go. The first team to finish wins!


  • Ball Relay: Instead of running, players pass a ball down the line, alternating between overhand and underhand throws.
  • Obstacle Relay: Set up cones, hoops, or other obstacles for players to weave through on their way to the finish line.

2. Keep It Up

This is a simple game that requires a ball, preferably a netball. Players stand in a circle and pass the ball around, trying to keep it off the ground. If someone drops the ball, they’re out. The last person standing wins!


  • One-Handed Keep It Up: Players can only use one hand to pass the ball.
  • One-Bounce Keep It Up: Players can only let the ball bounce once before they pass it.

3. Simon Says

Simon Says is a classic game that can be easily adapted for netball warm-ups. Players stand in a line and listen to the leader (who can be the coach or a player) give commands. If the command begins with “Simon says,” players must follow it. If it doesn’t, players must stay still. Anyone who moves when they shouldn’t is out.


  • Simon says touch your toes.
  • Simon says jog on the spot.
  • Simon says pass the ball to the person on your left.
  • Jump up and down.
  • Spin around.
  • Simon says take two steps forward.
  • Simon says dribble the ball on the spot.

4. Freeze Tag

Freeze Tag is a popular game that can be adapted for netball warm-ups. Choose one player to be “it” and have them chase the other players. When “it” tags a player, that player must freeze in place. They can only be unfrozen if another player touches them. The game continues until all players are frozen.


  • Ball Freeze Tag: Instead of tagging players with their hands, “it” must touch them with a ball.
  • Reverse Freeze Tag: Instead of freezing when they’re tagged, players become “it” and must tag other players to unfreeze themselves.

5. Hot Potato

Hot Potato is a fun and simple game that can be played with a ball. Players stand in a circle and pass the ball around, trying to avoid being the one holding it when time runs out. The player holding the ball when time runs out is out, and the game continues until only one player is left.


  • Left-Handed Hot Potato: Players can only pass the ball with their left hand.
  • Right-Handed Hot Potato: Players can only pass the ball with their right hand.

6. King or Queen of the Court

King or Queen of the Court is a fun game that helps players work on their offensive and defensive skills. Start by dividing your team into two or more groups and have them stand on opposite sides of the court.

The game begins with one player from each team entering the court. The objective is for the player to try and score a goal while the other player tries to defend it. If the offensive player scores a goal, they stay on the court and the defending player leaves. If the defensive player blocks the goal, they become the offensive player and the previous player leaves. The game continues until one team has all their players eliminated.


  • Only One Side: Players from only one team play offense while players from the other team play defense.
  • Random Teams: Players are split into random teams each time a new round begins.

7. Name Game

The Name Game is a fun game that helps players learn each other’s names. Have players stand in a circle and start by saying their name and a word that begins with the same letter as their name (e.g. “My name is Sarah and I like sushi”). The next player repeats the previous player’s name and word, then adds their own. The game continues until everyone has had a turn.


  • Netball Theme: Players can only use words related to netball (e.g. “My name is Lisa and I love lay-ups”).
  • Opposite Hand: Players must use their non-dominant hand to pass the ball during the game.

8. Four Corners

Four Corners is a game that requires four cones or markers to designate corners of the court. One player is designated as “it” and stands in the center of the court. The other players stand in the corners. “It” calls out a corner number and all the players in that corner must run to a different corner without getting tagged by “it”. The last player to reach a corner becomes “it”.


  • More Corners: Add more cones to the game to make it more challenging.
  • Reverse Four Corners: Players start in the center of the court and “it” calls out a corner number for players to run to.

9. Numbers Game

The Numbers Game is a great game to get players moving and thinking. Start by dividing your team into two or more groups and have them stand in a line. The coach or a player calls out a number and the first player in each line must run to the other side of the court and touch a designated spot before running back. The first player to return to their line wins a point for their team. The game continues until all players have had a turn.


  • Skip Counting: Instead of calling out single numbers, call out numbers to count by (e.g. “Count by 2s” or “Count by 5s”).
  • Math Questions: Call out a math problem for players to solve before running (e.g. “What is 8+4?” or “What is 12-6?”).

10. Red Light, Green Light

Red Light, Green Light is a classic game that can be easily adapted for netball warm-ups. One player is designated as “it” and stands at one end of the court. The other players stand at the opposite end. “It” calls out “green light” and the players run towards “it”. “It” then calls out “red light” and the players must stop. Anyone who doesn’t stop in time is out. The game continues until one player reaches “it” and becomes the new “it”.


  • Netball Theme: Players can only move by dribbling a ball.
  • Backwards Red Light, Green Light: Players must move backwards when “it” calls out “green light” and forwards when “it” calls out “red light.

11. Mirror Mirror

Mirror Mirror is a game that helps players develop coordination and teamwork. Divide your team into pairs and have them stand facing each other. One player leads while the other player mirrors their movements. Players can switch roles after a set amount of time.


  • Netball Theme: Have players mimic netball movements such as passing, catching, and shooting.
  • Group Mirror: Have players form a larger circle and have one player lead while everyone else mirrors their movements.

12. Tails

Tails is a fun game that requires players to work on their footwork and agility. Each player tucks a strip of cloth or ribbon into the back of their shorts or pants to create a “tail”. Players then try to grab each other’s tails while keeping their own intact. The player with the most tails at the end of the game wins.


  • No Hands: Players can only use their feet to try and grab tails.
  • One Hand Behind Back: Players must keep one hand behind their back while trying to grab tails.

13. Hot Potato

Hot Potato is a simple game that requires players to pass a ball around the circle while music plays. When the music stops, the player with the ball is out. The game continues until one player is left.


  • Netball Theme: Players can only pass the ball using netball skills such as chest passes, bounce passes, and overhead passes.
  • Add Challenges: Players must perform a challenge such as jumping jacks or push-ups before passing the ball.

14. Crazy Catch

Crazy Catch is a game that helps players develop their catching skills. Divide your team into pairs and give each pair a Crazy Catch rebound net. One player throws the ball at the net while the other player tries to catch the rebound. Players can switch roles after a set amount of time.


  • One-Handed Catch: Players can only use one hand to catch the rebound.
  • Add Movement: Players must move to catch the rebound (e.g. jumping, running, or diving).

15. Queen of the Court

Queen of the Court is a competitive game that helps players work on their netball skills. Start by dividing your team into two or more groups and have them play a regular game of netball. The winning team stays on the court and plays against a new team. The losing team rotates off the court and is replaced by a new team.


  • Different Rules: Change the rules of the game to make it more challenging (e.g. players must use only one hand to catch and throw the ball).
  • Different Positions: Have players switch positions after each game to work on their versatility.


Netball warm-up games are a great way to get players energized and engaged before practice or a game. Not only do they help players develop skills such as coordination, footwork, and catching, but they also promote teamwork and sportsmanship. By incorporating a variety of fun netball warm-up games into your practice routine, you can help your team become stronger and more successful on the court.

Here’s a summary of the 15 fun netball warm-up games:

  1. Sharks and Minnows
  2. Ball Tag
  3. Keep Away
  4. Relay Races
  5. Stuck in the Mud
  6. Last Player Standing
  7. Name Game
  8. Four Corners
  9. Numbers Game
  10. Red Light, Green Light
  11. Mirror Mirror
  12. Tails
  13. Hot Potato
  14. Crazy Catch
  15. Queen of the Court

Remember to keep things interesting by adding your own variations and challenges

Game Name Description Variations
Sharks and Minnows Players try to avoid being caught by the “shark”
Ball Tag Players pass the ball to tag other players
Keep Away Players work on passing and defending by keeping the ball away from a designated player
Relay Races Teams race against each other to complete a set of challenges
Stuck in the Mud Players work on footwork by dodging balls and avoiding being stuck
Last Player Standing Players try to be the last player standing in a designated area
Name Game Players learn each other’s names while passing the ball
Four Corners Players work on agility and coordination by moving to different corners of the court
Numbers Game Players work on passing and communication by calling out numbers
Red Light, Green Light Players work on starting and stopping quickly
Mirror Mirror Players develop coordination and teamwork by mimicking each other’s movements
Tails Players work on footwork and agility by trying to grab each other’s “tails”
Hot Potato Players work on passing skills while trying not to be the last player with the ball
Crazy Catch Players work on catching skills using a rebound net
Queen of the Court Players compete against each other to stay on the court

Tips for Running Fun Netball Warm-Up Games

Running fun netball warm-up games requires a bit of planning and preparation. Here are some tips to help you run these games smoothly:

1. Plan ahead

Make sure you plan ahead and have all the necessary equipment ready. This includes balls, cones, and any other equipment needed for the games.

2. Set clear rules

Make sure you set clear rules for each game and explain them to your players beforehand. This will help prevent confusion and ensure that everyone knows what to expect.

3. Keep it fun

Remember that the goal of these games is to have fun and get players excited for practice or a game. Keep things light and encourage players to have a good time.

4. Encourage sportsmanship

Emphasize the importance of sportsmanship and teamwork during these games. Encourage players to cheer each other on and congratulate each other on their successes.

5. Vary the games

Mix things up by adding new games or variations to keep things interesting. This will prevent players from getting bored and help them stay engaged.

6. Use positive reinforcement

Use positive reinforcement to encourage good behavior and effort. This can include giving high-fives, offering verbal praise, or even small rewards like stickers or candy.

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