Netball Ball Skills: Mastering the Art of Passing, Shooting, and More

Netball is a popular sport that requires players to work as a team to outscore their opponents. While team strategy is important, individual ball skills are also crucial for success in the game. In this blog post, we’ll focus on netball ball skills and how to improve them through training and drills.

Netball Ball Skills

Netball ball skills refer to the various techniques used by players to control, pass, and shoot the ball. These skills include:

  • Passing
  • Shooting
  • Dribbling
  • Catching
  • Footwork
  • Defence

Let’s take a closer look at each of these skills.


Passing is one of the most important skills in netball. It involves moving the ball from one player to another using a variety of techniques, such as the chest pass, bounce pass, and overhead pass. Accurate passing is essential to maintain possession of the ball and create scoring opportunities.

To improve your passing skills, you can practice a variety of netball drills, such as those found on These drills focus on developing accuracy, speed, and decision-making abilities. Some of the most popular passing drills include:

  • The Triangle Drill: This drill involves three players passing the ball in a triangle formation. The aim is to pass the ball quickly and accurately without dropping it.
  • The Figure Eight Drill: This drill involves two players passing the ball in a figure eight pattern. The aim is to improve hand-eye coordination and passing accuracy.
  • The Pivot Drill: This drill involves one player pivoting and passing the ball to another player. The aim is to improve footwork and passing accuracy while under pressure.


Shooting is another crucial skill in netball. It involves throwing the ball into the goal ring to score points. Shooting requires accuracy, power, and good technique. There are various shooting techniques in netball, such as the traditional shot, the layup shot, and the jump shot.

To improve your shooting skills, you can practice a variety of netball drills, such as those found on These drills focus on developing shooting accuracy, power, and technique. Some of the most popular shooting drills include:

  • The One Minute Drill: This drill involves shooting as many goals as possible within one minute. The aim is to improve shooting accuracy and speed.
  • The Layup Drill: This drill involves shooting the ball from close range using the layup shot. The aim is to improve shooting technique and accuracy.
  • The Jump Shot Drill: This drill involves shooting the ball while jumping in the air. The aim is to improve shooting power and accuracy.


Dribbling is the act of bouncing the ball while running or moving around the court. Dribbling is not as common in netball as it is in basketball, but it can still be an effective technique for evading defenders and creating scoring opportunities.

To improve your dribbling skills, you can practice a variety of netball drills, such as those found on These drills focus on developing ball control, footwork, and decision-making abilities. Some of the most popular dribbling drills include:

  • The Zig-Zag Drill: This drill involves dribbling the ball in a zig-zag pattern around cones. The aim is to improve footwork and ball control while under pressure.
  • The Figure Eight Drill: This drill involves dribbling the ball in a figure eight pattern around cones. The aim is to improve hand-eye coordination and ball control.
  • The Obstacle Course Drill: This drill involves dribbling the ball around various obstacles on the court. The aim is to improve ball control and decision-making abilities while under pressure.


Catching is the act of receiving the ball from a pass or a rebound. Catching requires good hand-eye coordination, timing, and anticipation. It is an essential skill in netball, as it allows players to maintain possession of the ball and create scoring opportunities.

To improve your catching skills, you can practice a variety of netball drills, such as those found on These drills focus on developing hand-eye coordination, timing, and anticipation. Some of the most popular catching drills include:

  • The Wall Drill: This drill involves throwing the ball against a wall and catching it on the rebound. The aim is to improve hand-eye coordination and timing.
  • The One-Handed Catch Drill: This drill involves catching the ball with one hand. The aim is to improve hand-eye coordination and anticipation.
  • The Blind Catch Drill: This drill involves catching the ball with your eyes closed. The aim is to improve anticipation and reaction time.


Footwork is the ability to move around the court efficiently and effectively. Good footwork is essential in netball, as it allows players to evade defenders, create space, and maintain balance while shooting or passing the ball.

To improve your footwork, you can practice a variety of netball drills, such as those found on These drills focus on developing agility, balance, and coordination. Some of the most popular footwork drills include:

  • The Ladder Drill: This drill involves stepping in and out of a ladder on the ground. The aim is to improve footwork and agility.
  • The Cones Drill: This drill involves running around cones placed in a zig-zag pattern. The aim is to improve footwork and coordination.
  • The Box Drill: This drill involves running in a square pattern around four cones. The aim is to improve footwork and balance while changing direction.


Defence is the act of preventing the opposing team from scoring. Defence is an essential skill in netball, as it can turn the tide of a game and create scoring opportunities for your team. Good defence requires good footwork, anticipation, and timing.

To improve your defence skills, you can practice a variety of netball drills, such as those found on These drills focus on developing footwork, anticipation, and timing. Some of the most popular defence drills include:

  • The Man-to-Man Drill: This drill involves defending against a single opponent. The aim is to improve footwork, anticipation, and timing while under pressure.
  • The Zone Defence Drill: This drill involves defending an area of the court. The aim is to improve team communication, positioning, and anticipation.
  • The Interception Drill: This drill involves intercepting the ball from the opposing team. The aim is to improve anticipation and timing.

Netball Training and Drills

To improve your netball ball skills, you need to train regularly and practice a variety of netball drills. Netball training and drills can be fun and effective, and they can help you improve your game in a variety of ways, from improving your fitness and agility to developing your decision-making and teamwork abilities.

Netball Passing Drills

Passing is an essential skill in netball, as it allows players to move the ball around the court and create scoring opportunities. To improve your passing skills, you can practice a variety of netball passing drills, such as those found on These drills focus on developing accuracy, timing, and decision-making abilities. Some of the most popular passing drills include:

  • The Triangle Passing Drill: This drill involves passing the ball between three players in a triangle pattern. The aim is to improve accuracy and timing while under pressure.
  • The Overhead Pass Drill: This drill involves practicing the overhead pass, which is a high, arcing pass used to move the ball over defenders. The aim is to improve accuracy and timing while under pressure.
  • The Fast Break Drill: This drill involves passing the ball quickly up the court to create scoring opportunities. The aim is to improve decision-making abilities and timing.

Netball Shooting Drills

Shooting is the act of throwing the ball into the goal post to score points. Shooting is an essential skill in netball, as it allows players to score points and create scoring opportunities for their team. To improve your shooting skills, you can practice a variety of netball shooting drills, such as those found on These drills focus on developing accuracy, timing, and decision-making abilities. Some of the most popular shooting drills include:

  • The Shooting Circle Drill: This drill involves shooting the ball from various positions within the shooting circle. The aim is to improve accuracy and decision-making abilities while under pressure.
  • The Shooting Challenge Drill: This drill involves setting a target number of shots and attempting to reach that target within a set time limit. The aim is to improve accuracy and stamina.
  • The One-on-One Drill: This drill involves shooting against a defender in a one-on-one situation. The aim is to improve decision-making abilities and accuracy while under pressure.

Netball Warm-up Drills

A proper warm-up is essential in netball, as it helps prevent injuries and prepares your body for the physical demands of the game. To warm up effectively, you can practice a variety of netball warm-up drills, such as those found on These drills focus on increasing blood flow, improving flexibility, and preparing your muscles for the physical demands of the game. Some of the most popular warm-up drills include:

  • The Jogging and Stretching Drill: This drill involves jogging around the court and performing a variety of stretching exercises. The aim is to increase blood flow and improve flexibility.
  • The Jumping Jacks and Lunges Drill: This drill involves performing a series of jumping jacks and lunges. The aim is to increase heart rate and warm up your muscles.
  • The High Knees and Butt Kicks Drill: This drill involves performing a series of high knees and butt kicks. The aim is to increase blood flow and warm up your muscles.

Netball Fitness Drills

Fitness is essential in netball, as it allows players to maintain their stamina and endurance throughout the game. To improve your fitness, you can practice a variety of netball fitness drills, such as those found on ( These drills focus on building strength, endurance, and agility. Some of the most popular fitness drills include:

  • The Circuit Training Drill: This drill involves performing a variety of exercises in a circuit format. The aim is to build strength, endurance, and agility.
  • The Shuttle Run Drill: This drill involves running back and forth between two points on the court. The aim is to improve speed and endurance.
  • The Squat Jump Drill: This drill involves performing a series of squat jumps. The aim is to build leg strength and explosiveness.

Netball Footwork Drills

Footwork is an essential skill in netball, as it allows players to move quickly and efficiently around the court. To improve your footwork, you can practice a variety of netball footwork drills, such as those found on These drills focus on developing quickness, agility, and balance. Some of the most popular footwork drills include:

  • The Ladder Drill: This drill involves running through a ladder pattern on the court. The aim is to improve quickness and agility.
  • The Pivot Drill: This drill involves practicing pivoting on one foot to change direction quickly. The aim is to improve balance and agility.
  • The Side Step Drill: This drill involves practicing side-stepping movements to evade defenders. The aim is to improve quickness and agility.

Netball Defence Drills

Defence is an essential part of netball, as it allows players to prevent their opponents from scoring points. To improve your defence skills, you can practice a variety of netball defence drills, such as those found on These drills focus on developing positioning, timing, and decision-making abilities. Some of the most popular defence drills include:

  • The Footwork and Defence Drill: This drill involves practicing footwork and defensive positioning. The aim is to improve positioning and timing.
  • The Interception Drill: This drill involves practicing intercepting passes from the opposing team. The aim is to improve decision-making abilities and timing.
  • The One-on-One Defence Drill: This drill involves practicing defensive positioning and movements in a one-on-one situation. The aim is to improve decision-making abilities and timing.


Netball is a fast-paced and exciting sport that requires a range of skills and abilities. Whether you are a beginner or an experienced player, there are many ways to improve your game and develop your skills. By practicing netball ball skills such as passing, shooting, footwork, and defence, you can improve your accuracy, timing, and decision-making abilities. Additionally, by incorporating netball warm-up drills and fitness drills into your training routine, you can improve your stamina, endurance, and agility. With consistent practice and dedication, you can become a skilled and competitive netball player.

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