Mini Netball: The Ultimate Guide

Are you looking for a fun and exciting way to get active with your friends or family? If so, then mini netball might be just the thing for you! Mini netball is a modified version of the popular sport of netball that is designed to be played on a smaller scale. In this guide, we will take a closer look at mini netball, including its rules, equipment, and benefits.

What is Mini Netball?

Mini netball is a variation of netball that is played on a smaller court with smaller goals and a smaller ball. The game is typically played by younger players who are not yet ready for the full-size version of the game, but it can also be enjoyed by adults who want a less strenuous version of netball. The game is played with two teams, each consisting of seven players. The aim of the game is to score goals by shooting the ball through the opposing team’s goal ring. Players can move the ball around the court by passing it to their teammates, but they are not allowed to run with the ball or take more than one step before passing it.

Rules of Mini Netball

Mini netball follows many of the same rules as regular netball, but with a few modifications. Here are some of the key rules of mini netball:

  1. Court Dimensions: The court for mini netball is smaller than the standard netball court. The court is typically around 18 meters long and 9 meters wide.
  2. Goals: The goal rings for mini netball are also smaller than those used in standard netball. The rings are 2.4 meters high, compared to the 3.05 meters used in regular netball.
  3. Ball: The ball used in mini netball is smaller and lighter than the ball used in standard netball. The ball is typically around 50 centimeters in circumference and weighs around 350 grams.
  4. Players: Each team in mini netball consists of seven players, with positions similar to those used in standard netball. The positions include goal shooter, goal attack, wing attack, center, wing defense, goal defense, and goal keeper.
  5. Passing: Players are not allowed to run with the ball or take more than one step before passing it. This encourages teamwork and passing skills, as players must work together to move the ball down the court.
  6. Contact: Physical contact between players is not allowed in mini netball. This helps to reduce the risk of injury and ensures that the game is safe for players of all ages and abilities.
  7. Duration: Mini netball games typically last around 20-30 minutes, depending on the age and skill level of the players.

Equipment for Mini Netball

One of the great things about mini netball is that it requires very little equipment. Here is a list of the essential equipment needed to play mini netball:

  1. Mini netball court: This can be created using cones or markers to mark out the boundaries of the court.
  2. Mini netball goals: These can be purchased from sports stores or made using PVC pipes and connectors.
  3. Mini netball: The ball used in mini netball is smaller and lighter than a standard netball. These can be purchased from sports stores or online.
  4. Comfortable clothing and footwear: Players should wear comfortable clothing that allows them to move freely and non-marking shoes.

Benefits of Mini Netball

Mini netball is a fun and enjoyable way to get active and improve your fitness. Here are some of the benefits of playing mini netball:

  1. Improved fitness: Mini netball requires players to run, jump, and move around the court, which helps to improve cardiovascular fitness and overall physical health.
  2. Enhanced coordination: Mini netball also helps to improve hand-eye coordination and motor skills, as players must pass and catch the ball while moving around the court.
  3. Teamwork: Mini netball is a team sport, and playing it encourages teamwork and communication skills. Players must work together to move the ball down the court and score goals.
  4. Fun and social: Mini netball is a fun and social activity that can be enjoyed by people of all ages and abilities. It is a great way to meet new people and make friends while getting active and having fun.
  5. Low-impact: Mini netball is a low-impact sport, which means that it is less stressful on the joints than high-impact sports like running or basketball. This makes it a great option for people who want to stay active but may have joint pain or injuries.

Mini Netball Competitions

If you are interested in taking your mini netball game to the next level, there are a number of competitions and tournaments that you can participate in. These include local and regional tournaments, as well as national and international competitions. Some of the most popular mini netball competitions include the Mini Netball World Cup, which is held every four years and features teams from around the world, as well as the Australian Mini Netball Championships and the New Zealand Mini Netball Nationals.

Tips for Playing Mini Netball

If you are new to mini netball, here are some tips to help you get started:

  1. Practice passing: Passing is a key skill in mini netball, so it is important to practice passing drills to improve your accuracy and speed.
  2. Work on your footwork: Footwork is also important in mini netball, as players are not allowed to take more than one step before passing the ball. Practice agility drills to improve your footwork and speed around the court.
  3. Communicate with your teammates: Communication is key in mini netball, so make sure to talk to your teammates and let them know when you are open for a pass or need help defending.
  4. Have fun: Most importantly, remember to have fun! Mini netball is a great way to get active and enjoy time with friends, so enjoy the game and have a good time.


Mini netball is a fun and enjoyable way to get active and improve your fitness. It is a modified version of netball that is played on a smaller court with smaller goals and a smaller ball. The game follows many of the same rules as regular netball, but with a few modifications. Mini netball requires very little equipment, making it an affordable and accessible sport for people of all ages and abilities. It also offers a number of benefits, including improved fitness, coordination, teamwork, and socializing. If you are interested in trying mini netball, start by practicing passing and footwork drills, and don’t forget to have fun!

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