Netball Skills and Drills: Become a Better Player

Netball is a popular and exciting sport that is played all over the world. It is a team sport that requires a combination of skills, including speed, agility, accuracy, and teamwork. To become a better netball player, you need to focus on developing these skills and practicing them regularly. In this blog post, we will discuss some of the essential netball skills and drills that you can use to improve your game.

1. Passing Skills

Passing is one of the most critical skills in netball. A good pass can set up a goal-scoring opportunity, while a bad pass can result in a turnover. To become a better passer, you need to work on your accuracy, speed, and variety of passes. Here are some passing drills that you can try:

a. Wall Pass

This drill is excellent for improving your accuracy and speed. To perform the wall pass, stand about two meters away from a wall and throw the ball against it. Catch the ball as it rebounds and repeat. You can vary the angle of your throws to challenge yourself.

b. Zig-Zag Pass

This drill is great for improving your footwork and passing accuracy. To perform the zig-zag pass, set up a series of cones in a zig-zag pattern. Dribble the ball through the cones while passing it back and forth with a partner.

c. Bounce Pass

The bounce pass is a useful skill for passing the ball under defenders. To perform the bounce pass, throw the ball towards the ground in front of your teammate so that it bounces up to waist height. This pass requires practice to get the right amount of force and angle.

2. Shooting Skills

Scoring goals is the ultimate objective of netball, and shooting is the skill that makes it happen. Shooting requires accuracy, precision, and good technique. Here are some shooting drills that you can try:

a. One-Handed Shooting

This drill is excellent for improving your shooting technique and accuracy. To perform the one-handed shooting drill, stand about three meters away from the post and shoot the ball using only one hand. Alternate hands and repeat.

b. Shooting Under Pressure

This drill is great for improving your shooting accuracy under pressure. To perform the shooting under pressure drill, set up a defender and shoot the ball while the defender tries to block your shot.

c. Shooting on the Move

This drill is great for improving your shooting accuracy while on the move. To perform the shooting on the move drill, set up cones to simulate a moving defender, then dribble the ball and shoot while on the move.

3. Defensive Skills

Defense is a critical component of netball, and it requires a combination of speed, agility, and anticipation. Here are some defensive drills that you can try:

a. Footwork Drills

Footwork is an essential aspect of defense, and it requires speed and agility. To improve your footwork, practice the following drills:

  • Side steps
  • Crossover steps
  • Quick feet drill
  • Ladder drill

b. Interception Drills

Interception is a crucial defensive skill, and it requires anticipation and quick reactions. To improve your interception skills, practice the following drills:

  • Tip drill
  • Shadow drill
  • Read and react drill
  • Man-on-man drill

c. Rebounding Drills

Rebounding is another essential defensive skill that requires good positioning and timing. To improve your rebounding skills, practice the following drills:

  • Box-out drill
  • Under-the-post drill
  • Three-on-three drill
  • One-on-one drill

4. Teamwork Skills

Netball is a team sport, and effective teamwork is essential for success. To become a better team player, you need to work on communication, positioning, and support. Here are some drills that can help you improve your teamwork skills:

a. Passing and Moving Drill

This drill is excellent for improving your passing accuracy and teamwork. To perform the passing and moving drill, divide your team into two groups and have them pass the ball to each other while moving around the court. This drill requires good communication and positioning.

b. Circle Work Drill

The circle work drill is great for improving your attacking and defensive teamwork. To perform the circle work drill, divide your team into attackers and defenders and have them practice attacking and defending the circle. This drill requires good communication and support.

c. Team Huddle Drill

The team huddle drill is great for improving your communication and team spirit. To perform the team huddle drill, gather your team together and discuss your game plan, strategies, and goals. This drill requires good communication and leadership.

5. Fitness and Conditioning

Netball is a physically demanding sport, and you need to be in good shape to perform at your best. Fitness and conditioning drills can help you improve your endurance, strength, and agility. Here are some fitness and conditioning drills that you can try:

a. Running Drills

Running drills are excellent for improving your endurance and speed. To improve your running skills, practice the following drills:

  • Shuttle runs
  • Suicides
  • Endurance runs
  • Interval training

b. Strength Training

Strength training is important for improving your power and stamina. To improve your strength, practice the following drills:

  • Squats
  • Lunges
  • Push-ups
  • Planks

c. Agility Drills

Agility drills are great for improving your speed and agility. To improve your agility, practice the following drills:

  • Lateral jumps
  • Cone drills
  • Skipping
  • Agility ladder drills


Netball is a fantastic sport that requires a combination of skills and teamwork. To become a better netball player, you need to focus on developing your passing, shooting, defensive, teamwork, and fitness skills. Practice these skills regularly, and you will see improvements in your game. Remember to have fun, stay positive, and support your teammates. Good luck, and have a great game!

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