Netball Skills: A Guide to Mastering the Game

Are you new to netball or looking to improve your skills? Netball is a fun and exciting sport that requires a combination of physical and mental abilities. To succeed in netball, you need to master a range of skills, including passing, shooting, defending, and more. In this guide, we will cover the essential netball skills that you need to know to become a pro player.

1. Passing Skills

Passing is an integral part of netball. You need to be able to pass the ball accurately and quickly to your teammates to keep the game moving. There are several types of passes in netball, including:

a. Chest Pass

The chest pass is the most common type of pass in netball. To perform a chest pass, hold the ball with both hands in front of your chest and step forward with one foot. As you step forward, push the ball towards your teammate using both hands.

b. Shoulder Pass

The shoulder pass is similar to the chest pass but is performed with one hand. Hold the ball with one hand on your shoulder and step forward with the opposite foot. As you step forward, push the ball towards your teammate using your shoulder.

c. Bounce Pass

The bounce pass is useful when your teammate is too far away for a chest or shoulder pass. To perform a bounce pass, bounce the ball on the ground towards your teammate. The ball should bounce once before reaching your teammate.

d. Overhead Pass

The overhead pass is used when your teammate is behind you or when there is an obstacle in front of you. To perform an overhead pass, hold the ball above your head with both hands and throw the ball towards your teammate using your fingertips.

e. Roll Pass

The roll pass is used when your teammate is standing next to you. To perform a roll pass, roll the ball along the ground towards your teammate using one hand.

2. Shooting Skills

Scoring goals is the ultimate goal of netball, and shooting is the key to achieving this. Shooting requires a combination of accuracy, power, and technique. Here are some shooting skills that you need to master:

a. Goal Shooting Technique

The goal shooting technique involves holding the ball with both hands, raising it above your head, and pushing it towards the goalpost using your fingertips. Make sure to keep your elbows close to your body and your eyes on the target.

b. Goal Shooting Accuracy

To improve your goal-shooting accuracy, practice shooting from different angles and distances. Aim for the center of the goalpost, and try to hit the same spot every time.

c. Shooting Under Pressure

Shooting under pressure is a crucial skill in netball. To improve your shooting under pressure, practice shooting with a defender or two marking you.

3. Defending Skills

Defending is an essential part of netball. As a defender, your goal is to stop the opposing team from scoring goals. Here are some defending skills that you need to master:

a. Footwork

Footwork is crucial for defenders. You need to be able to move quickly and efficiently to defend your opponent. Practice stepping in different directions, including forwards, backwards, and sideways.

b. Interception

Interception is the act of catching the ball from the opposing team. To intercept the ball, position yourself between your opponent and the ball, and jump or reach out to catch the ball.

c. Marking

Marking involves staying close to your opponent to prevent them from receiving the ball. When marking your opponent, stay close enough to prevent them from receiving the ball but not so close that they can easily dodge you.

4. Footwork Skills

Footwork is essential in netball as it allows you to move quickly, dodge your opponents, and get into a better position to pass or shoot the ball. Here are some footwork skills that you need to master:

a. Pivot

Pivoting is the act of turning on one foot to change direction quickly. To pivot, keep one foot planted on the ground and turn your body around that foot. You can pivot in any direction, including forwards, backwards, and sideways.

b. Side Step

The side step is useful when you need to dodge your opponent. To perform a side step, step to the side with one foot and then bring your other foot next to it. Repeat this movement in the opposite direction to move sideways quickly.

c. Crossover Step

The crossover step is useful when you need to change direction quickly. To perform a crossover step, step one foot in front of the other and then quickly switch the position of your feet by crossing one foot over the other.

5. Teamwork and Communication Skills

Netball is a team sport, and effective communication and teamwork are crucial for success. Here are some teamwork and communication skills that you need to master:

a. Passing and Receiving

To pass and receive the ball effectively, you need to communicate with your teammates. Let them know where you are on the court and where you want the ball to go. Also, be aware of where your teammates are and where they want the ball to go.

b. Positioning

Positioning is crucial in netball. As a team, you need to work together to create space and move into better positions on the court. Communicate with your teammates about where you want to be and where you want them to be.

c. Leadership

Effective leadership is essential in netball. As a leader, you need to motivate and inspire your teammates, make strategic decisions, and communicate effectively.

6. Fitness and Conditioning

Netball is a physically demanding sport, and you need to be fit and conditioned to perform at your best. Here are some fitness and conditioning skills that you need to master:

a. Cardiovascular Fitness

Cardiovascular fitness is crucial in netball as it allows you to run around the court for extended periods. To improve your cardiovascular fitness, engage in regular cardio exercises such as running, cycling, or swimming.

b. Strength and Power

Strength and power are important in netball, especially for shooting and defending. To improve your strength and power, engage in resistance training exercises such as weightlifting, squats, and lunges.

c. Agility and Speed

Agility and speed are essential in netball as they allow you to move quickly around the court and dodge your opponents. To improve your agility and speed, engage in exercises that focus on quick movements such as ladder drills and cone drills.

7. Game Strategy and Tactics

Netball is not just about physical skills. It also requires strategic thinking and tactical planning. Here are some game strategy and tactics skills that you need to master:

a. Game Plan

A game plan is a strategy that outlines how you and your team plan to play the game. A good game plan takes into account the strengths and weaknesses of your team and your opponents.

b. Positioning

Positioning is crucial in netball as it allows you to create space and move into better positions on the court. To be effective, your team needs to have a clear understanding of where each player should be on the court.

c. Substitutions

Substitutions can be a game-changer in netball. Knowing when to make substitutions and which players to bring on can make all the difference in a game.


Netball is an exciting sport that requires

a range of skills and abilities. By mastering these skills, you can improve your overall performance and help your team succeed. Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced player, there is always room for improvement when it comes to netball skills.

Remember, netball is not just about individual skills. Effective teamwork, communication, and strategy are also essential for success. By working together with your teammates and communicating effectively, you can create a cohesive and effective team that can take on any opponent.

So, whether you’re a shooter, defender, or mid-court player, take the time to work on your netball skills and become the best player you can be. With dedication, hard work, and a passion for the game, you can achieve your goals and enjoy all the excitement and fun that netball has to offer.


Netball Court Dimensions

Measurement Metric Imperial
Length of Court 30.5 meters 100 feet
Width of Court 15.25 meters 50 feet
Goal Post Height 3.05 meters 10 feet
Goal Circle Radius 4.9 meters 16 feet

Netball Positions

Position Description
Goal Shooter (GS) The goal shooter is responsible for scoring goals for their team.
Goal Attack (GA) The goal attack works with the goal shooter to score goals and is also responsible for feeding the ball to the shooter.
Wing Attack (WA) The wing attack is responsible for bringing the ball down the court and feeding the ball to the shooters.
Centre (C) The centre is responsible for moving the ball from defence to attack and vice versa.
Wing Defence (WD) The wing defence is responsible for intercepting the ball and preventing the opposition from scoring.
Goal Defence (GD) The goal defence works with the wing defence to prevent the opposition from scoring.
Goal Keeper (GK) The goal keeper is responsible for defending the goal and preventing the opposition from scoring.

Netball Rules

  1. The ball must be passed within three seconds of being caught.
  2. Players cannot move with the ball, and they must keep one foot grounded at all times.
  3. Contact between players is not allowed, and players must keep a distance of at least three feet from each other.
  4. Players must remain in their designated areas on the court.
  5. The ball must be passed or shot within the goal circle to score a goal.
  6. The game is divided into four quarters, each lasting 15 minutes.
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