Netball Shooting Drills: Improve Your Accuracy and Confidence on the Court

Netball is a sport that requires a lot of practice and hard work to master. One of the most important skills in netball is shooting, which involves accuracy, speed, and confidence. If you’re a netball player looking to improve your shooting skills, you’ve come to the right place! In this blog post, we will discuss some effective netball shooting drills that can help you become a better shooter.

Why Are Shooting Drills Important?

Shooting drills are an essential part of netball practice because they help players improve their accuracy, speed, and confidence on the court. By practicing shooting drills, players can develop muscle memory and improve their form, which can help them become more consistent shooters. Additionally, shooting drills can help players improve their decision-making skills by forcing them to make quick decisions under pressure.

Basic Shooting Techniques

Before we dive into the shooting drills, it’s important to review the basic shooting techniques in netball. The following are the key elements of a successful netball shot:

  1. Footwork: Make sure you have a stable base by keeping your feet shoulder-width apart, with your toes pointing towards the post. Shift your weight onto your front foot and bend your knees slightly.
  2. Grip: Hold the ball with your dominant hand, with your fingers spread wide apart and your thumb on the side of the ball. Your other hand should be supporting the ball from underneath.
  3. Alignment: Aim for the center of the hoop and keep your eyes focused on the target. Align your shooting arm with your dominant eye.
  4. Release: Flick your wrist forward and release the ball with a smooth motion, following through with your arm towards the target.

Netball Shooting Drills

Now that we’ve reviewed the basic shooting techniques, let’s take a look at some effective netball shooting drills:

1. Spot Shooting

Spot shooting is a simple yet effective drill that can help players improve their accuracy and consistency. Here’s how to do it:

  1. Set up a shooting spot 2-3 feet away from the post.
  2. Shoot the ball from the spot and aim for the center of the hoop.
  3. Repeat the drill 10 times, focusing on your footwork, grip, alignment, and release.

2. One-Minute Shooting

One-minute shooting is a great drill for improving speed and endurance. Here’s how to do it:

  1. Set up a shooting spot 6-8 feet away from the post.
  2. Shoot the ball as many times as you can in one minute, aiming for the center of the hoop.
  3. Count how many shots you make and try to beat your score each time you do the drill.

3. Shooting on the Move

Shooting on the move is a challenging drill that can help players improve their ability to shoot while in motion. Here’s how to do it:

  1. Start at the top of the circle and jog towards the post.
  2. Catch the ball while on the move and shoot while jumping off your non-dominant foot.
  3. Aim for the center of the hoop and repeat the drill 10 times.

4. Two-Point Shooting

Two-point shooting is a drill that can help players improve their long-range shooting skills. Here’s how to do it:

  1. Set up a shooting spot 10-12 feet away from the post.
  2. Shoot the ball from the spot and aim for the outer rim of the hoop, which counts as two points.
  3. Repeat the drill 10 times, focusing on your form and accuracy.

5. Shooting Under Pressure

Shooting under pressure is a drill that simulates game-like situations, helping players develop the mental toughness and confidence needed to make shots in high-pressure situations. Here’s how to do it:

  1. Set up a defender or a coach to put pressure on you while you shoot.
  2. Catch the ball and shoot while under pressure, aiming for the center of the hoop.
  3. Repeat the drill 10 times, focusing on your footwork, grip, alignment, release, and ability to handle pressure.

6. Rebounding and Shooting

Rebounding and shooting is a drill that can help players develop their ability to get offensive rebounds and score on second-chance opportunities. Here’s how to do it:

  1. Shoot the ball from a shooting spot, aiming for the center of the hoop.
  2. After shooting, quickly move to a rebounding spot and try to get the offensive rebound.
  3. If you get the rebound, shoot again from the rebounding spot.
  4. Repeat the drill 10 times, focusing on your footwork, grip, alignment, release, and ability to get offensive rebounds.

Tips for Effective Shooting Drills

To get the most out of your netball shooting drills, keep the following tips in mind:

  1. Start with the basics: Before moving on to more advanced drills, make sure you have mastered the basic shooting techniques.
  2. Focus on form and technique: Don’t just focus on making shots. Pay attention to your form and technique to ensure you’re shooting with proper mechanics.
  3. Mix it up: Don’t do the same shooting drill every day. Mix it up to keep things interesting and to challenge yourself.
  4. Set goals: Set specific goals for each drill and track your progress. This will help you stay motivated and focused on improvement.
  5. Get feedback: Ask a coach or a teammate to watch you during drills and give you feedback on your form and technique.


Improving your netball shooting skills takes time and practice, but with the right drills and techniques, you can become a better shooter. Incorporate these netball shooting drills into your practice routine and remember to focus on form, technique, and consistency. With enough practice, you’ll be making shots from all over the court with confidence and accuracy!

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