7 Netball Solo Drills to Practice on Your Own

Netball is a dynamic and exciting sport that requires a lot of skills and techniques to master. Whether you are a beginner or an experienced player, there are always ways to improve your game, and one of the best ways is to practice solo drills. These drills are perfect for improving your ball handling, shooting accuracy, footwork, and overall agility. In this article, we will discuss 7 netball solo drills that you can practice on your own to enhance your skills and become a better player.

1. Wall Passing Drill

The wall passing drill is an excellent way to improve your passing accuracy and timing. To perform this drill, stand about a meter away from a wall with a ball in your hand. Then, throw the ball against the wall and catch it as it rebounds back towards you. Try to keep the ball moving quickly and pass it back and forth between your hands as fast as possible. Repeat this drill for about 5-10 minutes, focusing on your footwork and hand-eye coordination.

2. Pivot and Shoot Drill

The pivot and shoot drill is perfect for improving your shooting accuracy and footwork. To perform this drill, stand about a meter away from a pole or a cone with a ball in your hand. Pivot your body and take a shot at the pole, aiming for the top or the bottom of it. Then, retrieve the ball and repeat the same motion on the opposite side of the pole. Try to shoot as quickly as possible and focus on your footwork and balance.

3. Figure 8 Drill

The figure 8 drill is an excellent way to improve your ball handling and agility. To perform this drill, dribble the ball in a figure 8 motion around your body, using both hands. Start with a slow pace and gradually increase your speed as you get more comfortable with the drill. Focus on keeping the ball close to your body and maintaining control.

4. Jump Shot Drill

The jump shot drill is perfect for improving your shooting accuracy and timing. To perform this drill, stand about a meter away from a pole or a cone with a ball in your hand. Jump up and take a shot at the pole, aiming for the top or the bottom of it. Then, retrieve the ball and repeat the same motion on the opposite side of the pole. Try to shoot as quickly as possible and focus on your jump timing and balance.

5. One-Handed Passing Drill

The one-handed passing drill is an excellent way to improve your passing accuracy and control. To perform this drill, stand about a meter away from a wall with a ball in one hand. Then, throw the ball against the wall with one hand and catch it with the same hand as it rebounds back towards you. Repeat this drill for about 5-10 minutes, focusing on your hand-eye coordination and passing accuracy.

6. Sprint and Shoot Drill

The sprint and shoot drill is perfect for improving your shooting accuracy and footwork. To perform this drill, place a cone about 5-10 meters away from the goalpost. Sprint towards the cone, take a shot at the goalpost, and retrieve the ball. Then, sprint back to the starting point and repeat the same motion on the opposite side of the cone. Try to shoot as quickly as possible and focus on your footwork and balance.

7. Defensive Footwork Drill

The defensive footwork drill is an excellent way to improve your footwork and defensive skills. To perform this drill, stand about a meter away from a wall with a ball in your hand. Then, shuffle your feet back and forth, moving your body from side to side while passing the ball against the wall. Focus on keeping your movements quick and precise, and maintaining good form.

By incorporating these 7 netball solo drills into your training routine, you’ll be well on your way to becoming a better player. Make sure to practice each drill consistently, focusing on your technique and form, and gradually increasing your speed and intensity over time. With dedication and hard work, you’ll see improvements in your ball handling, shooting accuracy, footwork, and overall agility.


In conclusion, practicing solo drills is an excellent way to improve your netball skills and become a better player. The 7 drills we discussed in this article are perfect for enhancing your ball handling, shooting accuracy, footwork, and defensive skills. By incorporating these drills into your training routine and focusing on your technique and form, you’ll be able to take your game to the next level.

FAQ Answer
Do I need any special equipment to perform these drills? No, you don’t need any special equipment to perform these drills. All you need is a ball and a wall or pole to practice with.
How often should I practice these drills? It’s recommended to practice these drills at least 2-3 times per week to see improvements in your skills.
Can beginners perform these drills? Yes, these drills are suitable for beginners as well as experienced players. Just make sure to start with a slow pace and gradually increase your speed and intensity over time.
Are these drills suitable for all positions in netball? Yes, these drills are beneficial for all positions in netball, as they focus on improving essential skills that are necessary for all players.
Can I modify these drills to make them more challenging? Yes, you can modify these drills by increasing the speed, distance, or intensity of the movements to make them more challenging. However, make sure to maintain good form and technique while doing so.


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